How to specialize in urban studies within your major
If you are not an urban studies major but want to specialize in urban studies within your own major, here are several majors that allow specific concentrations in urban issues: the Architecture major has an urban studies concentration; students in Ethics, Politics, and Economics (EP&E) are required to select an area of concentration, and urban studies meets this requirement; in American Studies, students interested in urban studies tend to concentrate in Material Cultures and Built Environments or Politics and American communities, but they do have the option to petition the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) if they prefer to be designated as an urban studies concentrator.
In other majors, students may design a self-directed concentration in urban studies, in consultation with their advisors and other faculty members. Students may also petition the Yale College Committee on Honors and Academic Standing for approval of a Special Divisional Major in urban studies. Several students have been approved for a Special Divisional Major in urban studies in recent years. Official Yale College program information is found in the Yale College Programs of Study, available online at
Courses related to urban studies are offered in many different departments along with Urban Studies department. See the course list of all courses related to urban studies here.